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sculpture, painting, juvancy

sculpture, painting, juvancy

construction / déconstruction

articulated structure ... from the black square to the lemon yellow line ...

view of the installation: construction / deconstruction with "broken line" (orange and green) and primary forms "(yellow, white, green, blue, black and red ..)

structure articulée ... du carré noir à la ligne jaune citron...

vue de l'installation : construction/déconstruction avec "ligne brisée" (orange et verte) et formes primaires" (jaune, blanc,vert, bleu, noir et rouge..)

sculpture, painting, installations, juvancy, artiste, sculpteur



installation, sculptures, juvancy

installation : color/project



sculpture, paintings, sculptures, drawings




"Créer n'est pas ajouter une pierre de plus à un édifice instable, c'est peut être extraire de soi une émotion vers la transparence...."   

"To create is not to add one more stone to an unstable edifice, it is perhaps to extract from oneself an emotion towards transparency ..."


sculpture, painting, drawing

l'étagère des rêves oubliés"



sculptures, paintings, installations


sculptures, peintures,





sculptures, paintings, installations


about recent sculptures



sculptures, paintings, juvancy

sculptures, paintings, juvancy

 to the tumblr: "color project"





sculptures, paintings, installations , juvancy,

about carved rocks: "for a future archeology"

sculptures, paintings, installations , juvancy,

to the videos of artist on Viméo



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